Birth chart is a sort of chart that portrays one's life path, abilities, strong and weak points, as well as things, that one has to work on during this incarnation.
How it happens?
When a person is born, planets are situated on the sky in a specific order - same with the Sun and the Moon. We all know the term "zodiac sign" - it's nothing else than a position of the Sun on the sky in the moment we are being born. It tells us our character - in general. But there is way more to it. How is the financial side of your life? How many languages you will learn and how long will you study? Will you became famous or maybe you will be an activist? A politician perhaps? Will it be easy for you to create relations with people, or maybe you will struggle to finish what you've started? What are the main phases and most important moments of your life? What has to change in order to make your life happier?
All these questions (and a lot more) can be answered by analysing different planets and their position on your Birth Chart. 

Get your full birth chart analysis for 100PLN

Example: Madonna's birth chart

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